Knox County Hospital District also owns and operates Knox City and Munday Clinics which provide family medicine, preventative care, and acute care for minor emergencies. Knox County Pharmacy and Supply is available to meet prescription needs as well as over-the-counter medication and supplies. Durable Medical Equipment is available through Seymour Medical Supply servicing 29 counties. Munday Nursing Center assists those who may benefit from 24-hour nursing care and assistance with meals and other activities of daily living.
Please visit us on Facebook at Knox County Hospital District.
Spanning almost a century, healthcare in Knox County has overcome many obstacles and challenges
Healthcare in Knox County was launched in 1910 when Dr. Thomas Sidney Edwards arrived. Known as the “Father of the Knox County Hospital”, Dr. Edwards began his practice of medicine as a ‘horse-and-buggy’ doctor. Emergency surgery was performed in his home until he opened a hospital in the old J.B. Janes residence where this hospital now stands.
After a fire destroyed the hospital in 1917, Dr. Edwards purchased a home across the street and converted it into a fully-equipped hospital with ten beds and an operating room.
Delayed by World War I, the current two-story hospital was completed in 1926 at a cost of $65,000.00. A 9-room stucco building was erected in the 1930’s adjacent to the hospital for the nurses’ home. In 1942 a fifty-foot addition was built joining the home to the hospital while adding nine more patient rooms. In 1948, a $75,000 bond election proved successful and the “Dr. Edwards” wing was added.
When a devastating tornado struck Knox City in 1953, the upper floor of the hospital was badly damaged. No one in the hospital was injured.
A bond issue of $125,000 was approved in 1962 to add a new wing. This wing was named the Eiland-Frizzell in honor of Drs. David C. Eiland and Tom Paul Frizzzell who served our county in 1936 and 1926.
Profits were noted each year between 1945 and 1965; however the arrival of Medicare in 1966 resulted in lower payments for services. In 1967, Knox County asked the Texas Legislature to create a District with property taxing authority to accommodate for the losses. Knox County Hospital District has been property tax subsidized since.
Healthcare in Knox County survived the fire of 1917 and the tornado of 1953, but succumbed to the medical and economic challenges of the 1980’s. The doors were officially closed on October 17, 1986. The Board of Directors voted to increase taxes from 21 cents/$100 valuation to 41.4 cents/$100 valuation. A rollback petition was circulated, and a rollback election was held on January 17, 1987. Snow and ice covered the ground on election day, making it difficult for many who wanted to vote against the rollback, especially the elderly. Nevertheless, a record turnout of voters defeated the rollback 810 – 314, with a 39% voter turnout. The doors re-opened on September 1, 1987.
Surgeries and non-emergency obstetrics were discontinued in October of 1987, and the second-floor of the hospital was silent for a time. Administrator Stephen Kuehler, came to the District in 1990 with a vision of expanding healthcare services in Knox County. In 1993 a home health agency, “Knox County Hospital Home Health”, brought the second floor back to life. During the same year, the District assumed responsibility for the local Emergency Medical Services. In 1996, a Cardiac Rehabilitation program was introduced in the area previously occupied by the surgical suite.
After a 6-year absence, Stephen returned to the District in 2002, again with a vision of “what could be”. A swing-bed program was implemented in 2004 to accommodate patients requiring an intermediate level of care. Physical Therapy was added in 2005 in an out-patient, home health, inpatient, and swing-bed basis. 2009 proved to be an exceptional time of growth with the purchase of a durable medical equipment company, Seymour Medical Supply. The new Munday Clinic was built in 2020. The new Knox City Clinic and addition of Knox County Pharmacy & Supply were completed in 2013.
KCHD rescued Munday Nursing Center in December 2012. MNC is licensed for 61 beds and accepts Medicare, Medicaid and private pay.
The resiliency of healthcare in Knox County continues today. The firm foundation laid by our founding fathers enabled this vital service to survive many obstacles and evolve into the outstanding system our citizens enjoy today.